Life is going just great for us! Shawn & Nathan are so in love with little Rebecca. She is starting to smile and coo at us now and it is so fun. She is still small enough to carry around all the time and she just looks adorable in her little dresses. We are so blessed with our three little children! Shawn is almost done with his first year of preschool and he is starting to read small words by sounding them out very slowly. He can write his name and he is also starting to tell jokes. Although, the only person who really gets them is him. For instance last night he was cracking up telling Uncle Eric this joke:
"How does a monster eat his peas?"
"He throws them on the floor!"
(Insert a belly busting laugh from Shawn here)
Nathan is a little spitfire. He keeps all of us on our toes. He likes to pretend he is a lion, or a kitty. And the only way to get him to do anything is by pretending you are also a lion or a kitty and ask him to do something. He goes by "NaNa Lion" a lot these days! He is such a sweetheart.
When the boys went out to the store with Daddy the other day Shawn asked Daddy if he had any flowers. Daddy was going to buy some geraniums for the garden and had them in the cart. When Shawn found that they did indeed have flowers he said "Good, because Mommy will be mad if we come back and don't have any flowers." - Where do they come up with this stuff? Funny boys.
Life is good.